TechPro Solutions

Test Automation


Customers today are asking for new features at a far more rapid pace – Businesses don’t have a choice but to Go-to-Market as quickly as possible.

However, the challenge is to develop software @ speed while ensuring that the integrity of currently running applications is maintained. Testing, in many cases, is put on the backburner, with the result that defects in the application are not found until release.

Test automation provides the ideal solution to businesses by enhancing the speed, accuracy and cost-effectiveness of the testing process.


At TechPro Solutions, we follow prioritized testing approach utilizing robust regression testing procedures & assemblage of testing techniques, which enables us to identify defects early in the test cycle, achieve maximum test coverage & ensure cost efficiency while retaining the testing efficacy.

Our flexible, efficient and precision-based testing methodology allows us to strategize testing based on the release cycles for both on-premise and hosted applications & can easily adapt to a vast array of projects from quick fixes to planned releases, to meet specific requirements of our clients across different industry verticals.